跨域實踐實驗室(IP Lab)由陳韻如應用藝術博士所帶領,秉持著「天空沒有極限」的信念。就像無垠的天空沒有束縛,實驗室內部匯聚來自不同領域的學生,其積極推崇跨領域學習,以促進產品設計的創新創作、研究與學術交流。除了專注於學術品質外,亦相當重視如何將生活體驗融入設計實踐。這種設計研究方法旨在培養學生多元化的生活興趣,並鼓勵學生們在學術領域以外尋求啟發與創新的來源。就像天空的廣闊激發了無限的可能性一樣,我們培養著學生們多元化的興趣,鼓勵他們超越學術範疇,從日常生活、自然和文化中汲取靈感。IP LAB 就是要突破傳統界限,讓創意和創新飛得更高更遠。

IP Lab, led by Ph.D. in Applied Arts, Yun-Ju Chen, embodies the motto “The sky is the limit." Just as the boundless sky knows no constraints, we foster a diverse community of students from various disciplines to transcend limitations and embrace limitless creativity. Our lab thrives on interdisciplinary collaboration, where the barriers between fields blur and novel ideas flourish. We recognize that genuine innovation often sprouts beyond textbooks and classrooms, aligning with our commitment to infuse tangible life experiences into design. Just as the sky’s vastness inspires endless possibilities, we cultivate diverse student interests, encouraging them to soar beyond academics, drawing inspiration from everyday encounters, nature, and culture. In IP LAB, pushing conventional boundaries propels us to reach new heights of creativity and innovation.

跨領域整合的應用, 以使用者中心為出發,
這才是跨域實踐 (Interdisciplinary Praxis)

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